
(w)orking class №0

20.04.2009 в 00:44

Фростморн жаждет крови!
20.04.2009 в 00:44

Адольф Гитлер наш освободитель!

20.04.2009 в 00:46

(w)orking class №0
kontrrazvedka во-во!
20.04.2009 в 00:47

(w)orking class №0
Снежный Маг В мёртвом теле - здоровый дух.
20.04.2009 в 00:52

B.C. boy
In a world of noones
I'll be the freak
Turn and hide from the mask you see
Misshapen face of fear

I will be your obscenity
I will be the depraved
I will be your deepest fear
That lights the dark that you so crave

Created in horror, in horror to live

Invisible, terror descends
The deepest fear come true
One false move and you know you'll fall
The abyss of nightmares gapes below you

Hideous to look upon
A deformed face, a bastard son
A pantomime, a colourful tale
Yet in this theatre, no beauty prevails

How could they do this to me?
My Lord, he never cared
Screaming for help and I was not saved
Tried to trust but I found despair

They have despised me since the day I was born
Reviled by truth, their minds too small
Tearing open blinded sightless eyes
Only death is real – the true demise

Unquenchable thirst never slaked
Set loose the storm within me
It rages on

I'll obliterate all you doubters
With my hammers of twisted truth
Drive the nails deeper into your hands
Feed the sickness, destroying you

Vomit the beast upon the unsuspecting world
Surprise on their faces is joy to behold
Try to silence me, but killing me now won't work
Eternal – heretics forever speak

I am the disease
I am that which rots inside
Festering within
There is no cure for my plague

And though I die in vain
I die with open eyes
Take the grave this sight from me
Sweet silence of the obscene

Spectre of insanity looms
Burning pain consumes me
Vile hatred, the truth will out
Heaving flesh, mine to create

Unquenchable thirst never slaked
Set loose the storm within me
It rages on

And it will rage forever more!
20.04.2009 в 00:54

B.C. boy

бляяяя! Феныч, ты знал?!

Норвежские блэк-металлисты IMMORTAL приступили к записи своего нового альбома. По словам менеджмента группы, «В этот раз они будут работать в студиях Grieghallen (Норвегия) и Abyss (Швеция)».
20.04.2009 в 00:56

(w)orking class №0
Nightwing - fly across the sky
And cast your shadow over those who before dawn will die
Beyond a great vast forest lies the desolate land
Ruled by men controlled by Satans hand
Craving for the ever blood dripping saints stone
And with dark rites in the nights blackest hour
Nightmares strife for the darksides blessing and the higher power

And the mantel of power should be shouldered by the firstborn
The one who crave evil and all kinds of human feelings scorn
He who drank his fathers blood and leaves his foes ripped and torn
And which the king halls up high since long forlorn

Have you ever wondered what's beyond the human sphere
To behold life through deaths dark veils from the demons lair
To stand above the eternal rest and every night rise up from your tomb
And behold life like the ones who with teeth was born from their mothers womb

For I am death and so you shall be
When on the nightwing you ride with me

The warlocks deciple, enchanter of ghouls
With exposed fangs from which the blood drouls

Nightwing - storm through eternity
And rip asunder those who fall for the human mockery
Within the massive castlewalls lurks the evil now again
Which with wise men made a truse by giving the blood of gods best men
He who possessess the gift which sends shivers down the spine
And awaken people who step away from the mortal worlds decline
He is the fierce creature which the angels fear to chase
Who see pain as passion and lives at war with the mortal race

His tomb is for any horse to cross like a mountain step
He has come to awake the devil from his sleep

The warlocks deciple, enchanter of ghouls
With exposed fangs from which the blood drouls

Pulled from our frail existence by the claws of death
To defy the scythe and feel the reapers breath
To walk the tunnel backwards when you first life has been slain
And when all mortal feelings has ceased to cause you pain
For I am darkness and so you shall be
As on the nightwing you ride with me
20.04.2009 в 00:59

(w)orking class №0
Норвежские блэк-металлисты IMMORTAL приступили к записи своего нового альбома. По словам менеджмента группы, «В этот раз они будут работать в студиях Grieghallen (Норвегия) и Abyss (Швеция)».
Ебана.. Потешили старика.
Ждём, ебать.
20.04.2009 в 01:01

B.C. boy
Feanor1989 бля я чуть пиво не выронил от таких вестей :ura:
20.04.2009 в 01:02

Я - это я, и каким словом меня ни назови, это ничего не изменит.
Мальчики, скромнее надо быть...
Зачем столько пафоса....
Все гениальное - просто

20.04.2009 в 01:11

B.C. boy

20.04.2009 в 01:13

Я - это я, и каким словом меня ни назови, это ничего не изменит.
20.04.2009 в 01:15

B.C. boy
я просто читаю правильных челов

20.04.2009 в 01:32

B.C. boy

20.04.2009 в 11:13

Во имя Элуны!
20.04.2009 в 12:41

"Д" означает "Динамо"
Во имя Азары!
20.04.2009 в 12:57

Богиня, наставь меня в пути!
20.04.2009 в 15:00

Закуска градус крадет.
Слава Саргарасу!
20.04.2009 в 15:47

"Д" означает "Динамо"
И не надейся на быструю смерть
20.04.2009 в 18:46

(w)orking class №0
Как прикажешь..
20.04.2009 в 19:11

Закуска градус крадет.
Ты что ли Админ король, а я за тебя не голосовал.
20.04.2009 в 19:14

"Д" означает "Динамо"
Я пришел из морских глубин...
20.04.2009 в 21:12

(w)orking class №0
Свежее мясо!..

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